Charalampos Giannou
I write plays
Due to an urge to do my best out of nothing
To search for light in a very dark place
In order to find a reason to speak in the middle of silence
I keep on writing
Since I still don’t understand how it really works
What are the rules of the game?
How do I know when it comes to an end; is there a way not to play?
So I write a bit more
Until I am old and wise enough
Fed up or dead and gone
Until the world stops spinning
That’s when I’ll know it’s time to stop
Charalampos Giannou was born in Cyprus and is currently living in Athens, Greece. He participated in international workshops at Neue Stucke aus Europa, Wiesbaden, 2010 and Obrador d’Estiu- Sala Beckett, Barcelona, 2011.
Plays of his have been translated in English, Spanish, Polish, Romanian and Serbian, while several of them have been staged in Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Colombia.
His play Hungry received the State Prize for Best Play 2014, by the Greek Ministry of Culture.
List of plays: The Beauty and the Sleep, 2022; Due to heavy rain, 2020; The trick to loneliness, 2018; Some kid!, 2016; Home, 2014; Hungry, 2012; A Doghouse, 2011; By A Thread, 2011; Her Life as Dead, 2011; Τhe Look of Love, 2009; Falling Down the Stairs, 2008.
Author: Charalampos Giannou
Translation from Modern Greek: Saša Đorđević
Cover design: Dina Radoman